THE FIRST RESPONDERS “CRISIS” MOVEMENT is honored to have the opportunity to inform you about the dangerous “problems” confronting the Baltimore County Fire and EMT services.
Baltimore County is twice the size of Baltimore City. There are 830 thousand citizens in the county and 500,000 plus residents in the city. The City Budget for Fire and EMT services is 300 million dollars at the same time the Baltimore County Budget is only 100 million. In other words, Baltimore City fully funds their First Responders while Baltimore County under funds these services. Not only are THE FIRST RESPONDERSdefunded so arethe citizens of the county which could create a tragedy.
There are more business and industrial sites in the county than in the city. These locations are high hazard fire potential centers. Baltimore County is not fully funding or training their personnel. Proper equipment is not provided.
Our First Responders are needed now more than ever with this disruptive and violent society. They are TrueHeroes rushing into burning buildings and saving lives at the last minute. THE FIRSTRESPONDERS are the first on the scene when sudden major tragedies occur like the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge
They Help Us When We Are In Need, It is Time To Help Them When They Are In Need!
“THIS IS A FIRST-RATE EMERGENCY” that must be addressed immediately! There have already been incidents in the county that turned out to be worse than should have been tolerated because of flaws in the system.
The politicians in Baltimore County including The County Executive are responsible for not fully funding and addressing the needs of THE FIRST RESPONDERS. For example, the EMT’s return $30 million in funds to the county which should be returned to the Fire and EMT services. However, the county claims the money for the general funds and shortchanges THEFIRSTRESPONDERS.
Baltimore County has one of the highest senior citizen populations in the nation. Percentage per capita second only to the state of Florida in size. This large population guarantees emergencies with health care issues like strokes, hypertension and heart attacks. A small delay in response time turns these health emergencies into a disaster. Underfunded EMT services are unacceptable and even cruel.
THE FIRST RESPONDER’S CRISIS MOVEMENT for Baltimore County is dedicated to educating the citizens and making them aware of the details of this serious problem. The Movement needs to organize and grow in order to put pressure on the politicians who are failing the system. The people of Baltimore County need to be united! Radio or even television may be utilized to promote our cause. There may be a need for legal action at some point.